California is awesome because there are many Independent Living Centers here that serve people with disabilities everyday. One of the Independent Living Centers, SCRS, located in Downey, California, has a fanatic youth group and the coolest event we attended is Disability Capitol Action Day. Disability Capitol Action Day happened on May 30, in Sacramento, California, and it was such a great way to learn about self advocacy. First, thousands of youth with disabilities marched down the street and in front of the state capitol, shouting, “What do we want? A fair budget! When do we want it? Now!!!'' It felt incredible to send the message to the law makers that funding for programs that serve people with disabilities is just as important as any funding for other governmental programs. After the march, we all congregated in front of the capitol building where we listened to a bunch of speakers, including the secretary of state who talked to us about the importance of voting and letting our voices be heard. Hearing the secretary of state speaking to a group of young advocates with disabilities was one of the most empowering and powerful experiences of my life. Then, after a short lunch, my SCRS friends and I ventured into the capitol building for our meeting with the assistant to legislature. There, we explained to her how important it is for people with disabilities to be able to choose their own, even if In Home Support Services are the ones paying for the aides. Advocating on behalf of myself as well as countless others with disabilities made me feel prouder than I've ever felt before! On Disability Capitol Action Day I realized that it takes a lot of politics to change the world, so we need to be better informed about politics if we really want to make a difference!
Hi Blair, sorry I had to step out a little early today. It's cool that you do some advocacy work; I'd be curious to hear about some of your thoughts regarding the different propositions that are coming up in the upcoming election. Or, if you're busy with school, maybe you can post some of your creative writing assignments? :)