Monday, August 13, 2012

Is a Superhero Really a Hero?

It seems I've been unfairly biased by putting out content mostly aimed at women, so this post is about something you GUYS go crazy for...SUPERHEROES!!!  Is a superhero really a hero?  I understand that this may appear like a riddle, but I think it's a valid question.    A  lot of Americans are obsessed with superheroes, such as Batman or Spiderman, but I don't understand how having the ability to fly or having a spider web grow out of one's hand constitutes someone as a hero.  I'll admit that I'm no expert in superheroes but I don't get how a character that smashes up cars,  climbs up onto buildings, and battle a fictional enemy, becomes a world famous heroic icon;  based on the terrible tragedy that happened earlier this summer, in Colorado, where twelve people were murdered at the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, it appears extremely clear to me that these superhero  movies promotes violence.  In my personal opinion, this is NOT heroic at all.  That's why I have decided to share with all of you the stories of some of my personal heroes in my life.  Some of them are abled bodied and others are disabled, but the one common thread that they all share is their mission to make the world a better place


  1. Hey Blair,
    As a guy who loves superheroes and comic books, I have to say there are a lot other great things about them. At the core of most superhero narratives is the need for the hero to rise above adversity and overcome some kind of evil for the good of others. I agree that the tragedy in Colorado casts a shadow on The Dark Knight, but I hope that doesn't turn you off all superheroes! Anyway, good hanging out with you at the ICT this week, and hope to see you next month!

    Peter Chung

  2. Thank you so much for your opinion. I appreciate the feedback!
